Por Estela Silva (Missionária Voluntária)
e Yure Gramacho (Diretor de Comunicação) – Missão Adventista da Mongólia
*English version below, right after the version in Portuguese
A cada ano, quando o verão chega na Mongólia, trazendo vida, calor e alegria, as crianças locais começam a fazer planos para participar do tão esperado “Acampamento dos pequeninos”.
Acampamento de verão na Mongólia é sinônimo de vida e alegria! |
Esse ano de 1 a 5 de Julho (2015), cerca de 160 crianças, com idades entre 6 e 15 anos, participaram do acampamento de verão em Khandgait.
O Acampamento das crianças anual tem sido uma parte ativa do Ministério da Criança ao longo dos últimos anos aqui na Mongólia.
Considerando que a maioria das crianças participantes desse acampamento não frequentam a Igreja Adventista (IASD), isso também representa uma importante ferramenta para o evangelismo infantil na Mongólia. O Ministério da Criança local está consciente de que esse acampamento de verão é muito importante para os pequeninos, não apenas com o propósito de adquirirem habilidades sociais ou colecionarem boas lembranças, mas acima de tudo, para conhecerem Jesus Cristo e aprofundarem sua fé.
Kauai também participou do acampamento dos pequeninos e fez vários amiguinhos! #MissionaryKid |
Children’s Camp in Mongolia
By Estela Silva (Volunteer Missionary)
and Yure Gramacho (Communication Director) – Mongolia Mission
Each year when summer arrives in Mongolia, children begin to make plans to attend the longed Children’s Camp.
This year from 1 to July 5, about 160 children, with ages between 6 and 15, attended the summer camp at Khandgait.
"Jesus loves you" was the theme chosen for the occasion. During the event the children were engaged in recreational activities, heard Bible stories, and sang Christian songs, among many other activities. They also received a DVD with stories from the Bible in Mongolian, produced by an Australian team from Wahroonga Adventist Church that also came to help in the camp.
The annual Children’s Camp has been an active part of the Children’s Ministry Department throughout the last years in Mongolia.
The camp organization has always the concern that the activities not only provides fun and adventure, but also provides foundations of the Christian faith. “I really love to share God's Word with the little ones. They will be our future. We had 60 children coming from Adventist families, and the others 100 children are from non-Adventist background. Maybe now we cannot see the results of our efforts, but I’m sure that one day in heaven we will meet with someone who attended our Children's Camp”, said Purevdulam Jugderjav, the Children’s Ministries Director in Mongolia Mission.
Considering that most of the children attending the camp do not go to the Adventist Church this also represents an important tool for child evangelism in Mongolia. The Children’s Ministry Department is aware that summer camp is important for kids to attend not just, in order to gain crucial social skills or obtain lasting memories, but most of all, to know about Jesus Christ and deepen their faith in Him.
Despedida |
Carinho e amor além das barreiras culturais! |
See you next summer! |
Que legal esse acampamento!!! Imagino que seja uma mega festa mesmo a chegada do verão!!! Amei a ideia do empréstimo de cabelo!!! Kkkk Deus seja com vocês!