Família Gramacho

Família Gramacho
Missão Abaixo de ZERO! SUBZERO Mission!

segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2015

O Primeiro Clube de Aventureiros da Mongólia

por Estela Silva (Missionária Voluntária) 
e Yure Gramacho (Diretor de Comunicação)
Mongolia Mission

*English version below, right after the version in Portuguese

A Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia na Mongólia fundou seu primeiro Clube de Aventureiros no mês de abril deste ano em Ulanbaatar, capital e mais populosa cidade do país asiático.

Missionários sul-americanos estão colaborando com a implantação e desenvolvimento do clube no país

O Clube de Desbravadores já existe há algum tempo na Mongólia, mas a igreja sentiu a necessidade de começar um clube que poderia prover atividades e treinamento em habilidades diversas para as crianças mais novas (6-9 anos).

Portanto, em Abril (2015), o primeiro Clube de Aventureiros da Mongólia começou na Igreja Central de Ulaanbaatar. Desde então 10 crianças estão participando do clube regularmente. O clube se reúne três vezes ao mês, aos Sábados e Domingos, e está baseado em quatro classes de aprendizado divididas por faixa etária. Essas classes envolvem atividades de ordem física, mental e espiritual, proporcionando assim um crescimento holístico e equilibrado para as crianças envolvidas.

Em uma de suas primeiras reuniões, os aventureiros realizaram um serviço comunitário ao limpar as margens do rio Tuul, o qual circunda nossa capital. Além dos benefícios diretos à população e ao meio ambiente, as crianças viram o impacto imediato de seu trabalho, e isso deu a elas um senso de realização e serviço.

“Estar envolvido com as crianças em seus anos de desenvolvimento é uma grande oportunidade para compartilhar os valores para sua vida futura. No entanto, este efeito não para por aqui. É apenas o início de uma grande ‘cadeia de influência’, porque as crianças que conhecem a Palavra de Deus através do Clube de Aventureiros refletirão este conhecimento a todos aqueles com quem entram em contato”, enfatizou Gabriela Assi, missionária e pedagoga brasileira que chegou este ano na localidade e está contribuindo com a implantação do clube, juntamente com outros voluntários locais e estrangeiros.

Classe: Abelhinhas Laboriosas (6 anos de idade)

Classe: Luminares (7 anos de idade)

Classe: Edificadores (8 anos de idade)

Classe: Mãos Ajudadoras (9 anos de idade)

Trabalhar com esses amáveis pequeninos é tanto um maravilhoso privilégio como também uma imensa responsabilidade. Nosso Clube de Aventureiros na Mongólia é muito pequeno ainda, tal qual uma sementinha insignificante aos olhos humanos. Mas, se amarmos essa pequena “semente” e cuidarmos dela de todo o nosso coração, certamente em breve nós colheremos os frutos eternos da salvação dessas crianças. Por favor, orem para que outras crianças participem do Clube de Aventureiros na Mongólia e cresçam no amor, fé, confiança e obediência a Jesus Cristo, nosso grande Líder!

Selfie com um futuro aventureiro (sim, é um menino)

Recentemente duas famílias de missionários sul-americanos foram enviadas à Mongólia para ajudar no crescimento e desenvolvimento do adventismo no país por meio de programas sociais e evangelísticos. [Equipe ASN, Estela Silva e Yure Gramacho]



By Estela Silva (Volunteer Missionary) and Yure Gramacho (Communication Director) – Mongolia Mission

The Pathfinders Club has existed for some time in Mongolia, but the church felt the need to start a club that could provide activities and skill training for the younger children (6-9 years).

So, last April, the first Adventurers Club in Mongolia started in the Central Church of Ulaanbaatar. Since then around 10 children are attending the club regularly. The club is held three times a month on Saturdays and Sundays, based on four learning classes by age group. These classes involve physical, mental and spiritual activities, bringing balanced growth.

In one of its first meetings the Adventurers Club conducted a community service activity of cleaning the banks of Tuul River in the city of Ulaanbaatar. Beyond the obvious benefits to the community and the environment, with this simple community service the children saw the impact of their work immediately, and this gave them a sense of accomplishment, and stewardship. The participants are also starting to develop many different awards in areas of crafts, nature, recreation, spiritual development and home arts.

"Be involved with children in their developmental years is a great opportunity to share values for their future life. However, this purpose doesn't stop here; it is just the beginning of a great ‘chain of influence’, because the children who know the Word of God through the Adventurers Club will reflect this knowledge to all of those with whom they come in contact. This is nothing else than a ‘chain of light’ that will certainly contribute to shorten the second coming of Jesus”, said Gabriela Assi, a Brazilian missionary who has supported this club.

Working with these lovely little ones is both a wonderful privilege as a great responsibility. Our club in Mongolia is very small yet, seems like an insignificant seed. But, if we love this little “seed” and take care of it with whole heart, certainly very soon we will harvest eternal fruits of salvation. Please, pray that other children can join the Adventurer Club in Mongolia and through it they could grow in love, faith, trust, and obedience to Jesus Christ, our Leader!

Recently two South American missionary families came to Mongolia to assist in the growth and development of Adventism in the country through social and outreach programs. [ASN team, Estela Silva and Yure Gramacho]

segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2015

“P1, The Power of One” in Mongolia

By Jason Parmanandham and Rebeca Aguirre, Volunteer Missionaries in MM

“All the believers were ONE in heart and mind”. (Acts 4:32)

Winters in Mongolia can make you feel like you are residing at the South Pole. Well it does get extremely cold. Actually, Ulaanbaatar is the coldest capital city of the whole world! As summer sets in with all its warmth, there is a lot of excitement and people sparkle to life because it gives them an opportunity to enjoy the wonderful outdoors so vibrant and full of life that God gave mankind to cherish. It’s the perfect time for camping!

The sun sets over the hills as the cold takes over another night in the Ger district in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

From June 23th until June 26th 2015 occurred in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, the Adventist Youth (AY) Camp. There were nearly 70 youngsters present at the camp, which had as its theme “P1, The Power of One”.

After a lot of planning and many meetings later the camp organizers were able to find a beautiful spot to camp out. It was a beautiful place nestled between a mountain and a river not so far away.

Wonderful view of the camp!

The solitary tree, P1!

Beautiful sunset

The river

Praying for our Youth on the top of the mountain

Selfie with my Mongolian best friend, Dash (Даш)

Many youngsters from many churches in Ulaanbaatar were really excited to be a part of this camp. The camp not only had Adventist youngsters but also non-believers which made the camp an even more powerful witnessing tool. We believe that the young people are an integral part of the church and a camp like this helps them to get out of the city, spend time with God and commit themselves with the mission .To stop being distracted by many things and to take moments to reflect of Gods purpose in life amidst the beautiful nature that he created for us to enjoy. The AY team in Mongolia fully believes that the key to keep the new generation (the millenials) in Church is moving them from passive spectators to be active participants!

Social activities

Blue Team

Green Team

Yellow Team

Red Team

Jason, missionary volunteer, from India. I miss you dear friend!

Pr. Sodoo (Youth Ministry Director) preaching during the Sabbath

Bonfire night

My name (Yure) in Mongolian old script. Cool!

The campers

The AY CAMP had many fun and social activities, but most of all taught the youngsters essential Christian values as communion, relationship and mission! We could see the Holy Spirit move the hearts of the young people as we spent time communicating with him in many creative ways. We witnessed the hunger in these young people to know God and connect with him. And one of the highlights of the camp was to witness a baptism of a young man who gave his life to Christ.

Baptism of one young man representing the P1

“The AY Camp was one of the greatest experiences that I ever had as a Seventh-day Adventist church member. God put in our hearts the desire of showing the youth a different way they can spent some days connected to Him and get strength for the Christian battle that we as youngsters face every day. I really feel so blessed with this camp!” pointed Rebeca Aguirre, a volunteer English teacher from Peru and staff member of AY team in MM.

Kauai, the little shepherd boy!

Cold water

Kauai playing with his little friend

Our "palace". During the night, this tent was freezing!

Exploring the nature

Hungry, waiting for the lunch (take a look at his face haha)

By the grace of the Lord, the AY ministries are growing day by day in Mongolia. There is a need like never before for fervent prayers that God could move the souls of the young people to commit their lives to God and His mission. A youngster’s life has many challenges and there are moments where a wrong decision takes us very far away from God. Hence the AY ministries main focus through this camp was to show that we as a church care about them and mainly that God does care and is willing to lead their lives only if they let him to, of course, though the “Power of One”!

We invite you to pray for the work here in Mongolia, especially for the AY Ministry. The challenge here is so big and the enemy doesn't want the youth to get involve in church activities but we know that our Almighty God is more powerful than anyone. That many souls may be won to His cause!

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